(English) LittleTalks20191207


It has been about half a year since my last post. So many things happened during the time.

Firstly, I have finished my first wechat game and submitted the soft copyright application request a few months ago. Hopefully I could get it approved by this winter. If so, I'd love to put it upon the wechat game market before this Christmas Eve! The name of this game is "IFMiniDetective". I hope that people who likes detective fictions and stories will love this game.

Another thing is, my last chip has been taped out, and now it's stilling undergoing some testing processes. Luckily, everything is going well so far.

Lastly, during this year, I've gained more knowledge about managing my family investment in stock markets. I have gained over 5% of interests by far. Even though it's still much lower than the target(10%) I've setup for myself at the beginning of this year, it's still higher than the lowest threshold(4%) that I think I should be able to reach with ease.

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